Maths Websites For Kids

Maths Websites For Kids

One of the most important things to consider when teaching math to your kids is that the content they learn is informal. Young children can use math in their daily activities and can be taught addition and subtraction through everyday interactions. They can count steps up and down a staircase and even sort plastic bugs…

Maths Riddles For Kids

Maths Riddles For Kids

If you want to give your little genius a challenge, try some math riddles for kids involving a child’s age. This way, they can practice problem solving skills while having fun. If you’re not an accomplished mathematician, you can still solve riddles together with your kids. It’s a great way to develop lateral thinking skills and make math fun. Just make sure you have enough time for it!

3rd Grade Math Curriculum

3rd Grade Math Curriculum

Students in 3rd grade will continue to work on basic skills that will prepare them for the next stage of their mathematics education. They will develop fluency in addition and subtraction to the nearest hour, half-hour, quarter-hour, 5 minutes, and one-minute intervals. In addition, they will learn to solve word problems in one- and two-step…